RSSS Sequential Scrubber System

•RSSS is a Company established 2014 with main goal to develop a Scrubber by means
of  “Sequential co‐current flow”,  (liquid and gas flows in the same upward direction and where
the liquid is reused in counterflow direction phases). (For other activities see engineering department activities )


The design allows for:

- high exhaust gas velocity with low pressure drop

- small dimensions and low weight

- high L/G relation

- high efficiency in gas absorption

- high efficiency in particle removal

- reduced “carry over” liquid in gas outlet, due to efficient centrifugal separation of droplets

•Test results, verifying scrubber capacities was completed 2018
•Norwegian Patent confirmed  NO20170481 (A1) – 2018-08-06  Patent number NO342799
•RSSS Scrubber will be useful in many applications where liquids are used for absorption of
 Chemicals or partial gases in gas  / exhaust flow.

Companies Main purpose at start  was to develop a  exhaust gas Sulphur washing system to be used in relation with ship engines burning diesel or HFO, with Sulphur content higher than limits given in Marpol 73/78.  annex VI.

Later designs has ben toward the «scrubber part» of CO2 cleaning processes.  

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